Students must be rostered in Educator Portal to receive their Summative NM-ASR tests in addition to the Subject Practice Test assigned directly to student accounts. For Test Coordinators who want to review how to create rosters, please follow the instructions detailed in the… more
On Thursday, July 25, Educator Portal will be unavailable while the Kite® team applies annual upgrades and performance enhancements. Please contact the Kite Service Desk for any questions or assistance.
In preparation for the 2024-25 school year, brand-new Kite® Student Portal installers are now available for download by school and district technology personnel. This update brings performance enhancements and improvements to promote a successful testing experience for all.
The installer… more
This week, Student Score Data Extracts in Kite Educator Portal will be updated to include:
• student demographic data (gender, race, ethnicity, and gifted status)
• current roster information
• Points earned and… more
NM-ASR Score Reports in PDF and CSV versions, Score Report bundles, and Summary Reports are available in Educator Portal now! The CSV options for scores will be found under the Data… more
The Kite® Service Desk will be closed in observance of the June 19th federal holiday. We will reopen at 7:00 CT on Thursday, June 20th.
New Help Videos have been added to the NM-ASR Resources under Training tab for Educators & Administrator. Help Videos include guidance for Test Coordinators in setting up users, students, and rosters as… more
A brand-new resource is now available for test administrators responsible for administering Kite assessments. The Kite®… more
Technology Practice Tests (TPTs) are now available in Kite Student Portal! TPTs are not scored and have public logins that students, teachers, technology coordinators, and parents can use freely to learn how to use Kite Student Portal to take assessments. TPTs provide practice on simple… more
Test Coordinators! As you work your way through verifying your enrollment and rostering your students for the New Mexico Assessment of Science Readiness (NM-ASR), we want to make sure you are aware of and using these vital resources!
On the Kite NM-ASR website, please find these resources… more